When you have lived in South Dakota for as many years (50 + and counting) as I have, you come to expect many strange and wonderful things to occur when Ma Nature is going through PMS. Why the weather seems to be her major focus is a mystery all its own.
On a clear winter day with nary a cloud in the sky, it has started to snow. We don't know where the snow comes from, but my hubby has a theory that it is snow that is falling in Wyoming and the wind blows it here to South Dakota. We usually have great weather. Warm and sunny in the summer, cool and sunny in the fall, some snow and a few cold days in the winter and usually a sunny and sometimes slightly rainy spring. All in all usually nice sunny days. But that only occurs when Ma Nature is calm, cool and collected.
We like to remember the good weather not the weather when she is having a hissy fit. This statement brings me to this week. The wind has been blowing for 3 days straight. Not just a slight, I love to feel the wind in my hair breeze or maybe I should put a coat on it is a little chilly breeze, but a full - out hang on to the door, tie a rope around the kids and dogs, and put weights on your feet to keep you on the ground type of wind. The howling and moaning is horrible, not just the noise from my complaining, but the actual sound of the wind.
I read a book one time that was about the era of the "Dirty Thirty's". The woman being written about complained about the constant blowing wind. She said that the moaning and unrelenting wind noise about drove her crazy. I understand. It has only been 3 days and this wind is getting on my nerves in the worst way. The wind makes it hard to walk outside and keep my gate shut. The wind noise is causing me to wake up at night. I just want it to STOP!!! Yes, I'm having a spaz attack, and if I could get my hands around Ma Natures neck about now, I might try and shake some sense into her before I strangle her.
The wind has made a terrible mess in my yard. But the biggest mess in the yard is the smaller metal shed that used to sit beside my house. You notice that I said used to. The wind has pushed it off its foundation, and has crumpled it into bite size pieces, which are butting up against my large wooden storage shed. What a big ugly mess. I know when my hubby gets home we will have a big laugh about the crumpled shed but right now it is a big NOISY, UGLY, crumpled shed. Every time the wind gusts (which is every 5 seconds) the old shed rubs against the large shed, the ground and my poor lilac bush, making a grinding, whining and squawking noise. It is really getting on my last nerve. (The wind has done away with all the rest of my nerves, and I was saving this last one for my birthday.)
Yes, when the wind blows here in South Dakota, it really blows. But when Ma Nature decides to interfere in the weather, we usually have more "weather" than we want or can handle. Thankfully, the weatherman informed us that this wind is supposed to be gone by later tonight. I am holding him to his promise. I can find out where he lives if he is wrong, and would love to give him a lesson in weather reporting!!!
So until tomorrow (which I hope is wind free) read a book, make love and eat chocolate.
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