Monday, October 18, 2010

I am not ADDICTED to coffee!

It is Monday morning, and I am on my third, Yes Third!!!!, cup of coffee.  I just can't seem to get going today.  It just maybe the Monday blahs, the I was up to late last Sunday night blahs or just the plain blahs.  I choose all of the above.  But no matter what the cause of my blahs, I just can't seem to get motivated today.

I got up at 5:30 AM with my hubby, made him breakfast and had cup of coffee number 1 with a couple of waffles.  My hubby left for work at 6:10 and I messed around until 6:30, reading the paper, sipping my coffee and greeting my father-in-law as he dropped off his dog Peggy for the day.  I couldn't seem to stay awake so I finished my coffee, poured another one and turned on the computer.  I checked my daily reviews, authors blogs I follow, my two (yes two) facebook accounts and checked my email.  Cup of coffee number two was gone and it was good to the last drop.

 I need to clarify to everyone, the actual size of my coffee cup.  It is not a standard coffee cup, but a large white cup you would get at a coffee shop.  So it is probably equal to 2 regular coffee cups. 

Now back to my morning.  Since I was yawning and struggling to keep my eyes open, I decided to try and go back to bed for awhile.  To anyone else out there this would probably seem like a good idea.  But to me the problem lies not in my ability to go to bed and sleep, but the ability of my bed partners to allow me to sleep.  Bed partners you query,  "I thought your husband went to work this morning...Kandis what are you into?!?!?!?!?"  Not to worry.  My bed partners are of the four legged kind, Smokey, Buddy, Luna and Peggy.  Four rambunctious, furry hounds that would rather turn bedtime into playtime.  After alot of loud barking and howling (most of it from me trying to get them all to settle down) I gave up.

I returned to the kitchen poured another cup of coffee, which by this time needed to be heated up in the microwave, and proceeded to make a list of daily chores.  Not exactly the thing I wanted to do, but instead of just sitting and doing nothing I decided to get something done. 

My blahs, having a hold of me by the neck, weren't going to have anything to do with me getting active.  I ran water in the sink, but instead of doing dishes quickly and getting them out of the way,  my blahs said "Ah, it's better to let them soak for awhile, I'll just watch a little TV."  A half hour later and my coffee was done but my dishes weren't.  I got up and finally washed my dishes.  Then I got a spurt of energy, (must be the coffee finally working) and swept the floor, cleaned off the counter, wiped the table and picked up the living room.  Whew.  Time for another cup of coffee.

Which brings me to this point in time, to not my third (as I finally realized) but fourth cup of coffee that sadly is now also gone.  I will now make a determined point to stop drinking coffee or else I will end up either going to the bathroom all day or have a bad case of jitters and excess energy.  The excess energy doesn't sound bad, but I don't want to be shaky all day, and I certainly can think of better things to do than run to the Pot every few minutes.

Do I think I have a coffee addiction, probably.  But I think it mostly occurs on Mondays and Sundays.  Mondays because of the blahs, and Sundays because that is just what you do when you sit around Sunday morning, reading the paper and drinking hot yummy coffee.  I'm not the only person that has this problem.  My hubby, my best friends E & C (you know who you are) and lots of others are just as bad, if not worse.

At my age, the Doctors have taken away many of the guilty pleasures I loved, fattening desserts, alcohol and greasy foods, that coffee is really the only guilty pleasure that I can safely indulge in.  So to this end I say, Coffee Lovers of the World Unite. Indulge in one more cup of your favorite cup of JOE. Inhale that steamy aroma and savor the rich, mellow taste of that third cup of coffee.  Who knows coffee may even be good for you, in fact I think I read somewhere where coffee can cure what ails you or maybe that is just wishful thinking.

Til later, read a book, make love and eat chocolate.  (I wonder if they have it in coffee flavor.)

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