Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Don't Do Dishes In The Tub!!!!

Weird tittle  - Yep, well it has been a couple of weird days.  Last week was a wash.  I didn't write in the blog because I usually ran out of time during the day, and I was to sad to write anything.  But today is a new day and the second day of a new week.

I bet you are wondering what the heck my tittle is talking about.  Well, let me tell you.  It all started late Sunday afternoon.  Here I was minding my own business, trying to finish a load of laundry.  I was sitting at the kitchen table when, you know when you hear something thing that isn't quite right and it tickles the back of your brain. I couldn't place the weird noise I was hearing.  It sounded like a fountain.  I don't have a fountain in my house,  at least I thought I didn't have one.  I followed the noise and BEHOLD.....the fountain.   Coming out of the drain at the back of my washer was a stream of soapy water, bellowing and frothing up and out of the drain all over the floor, the washer and down the wall.  Well Heck!!!!

Keeping my calm, I did think to turn off the washer (barely) and headed down the hall (to grab towels to soak up the mess) bellering  and screeching at the top of my voice "David I need You!"  Well, he comes running from outside thinking that I'm dieing or I have caught the house on fire....It only happened once, and I wasn't entirely to blame - he skidded  to a stop, gasping for air, eyes bulging, looking around for what ever the emergency was.  Here is where men and women think and react differently to things.  To me, my house flooding is a problem....to him, it is a minor inconvenience.....I'm in panic mode and he just calmly looked over the situation. 

To make a long story short.  Plugged drain.  After he and a friend worked 4 hours trying to unplug it without success.  The snake (weird name for a unclogger) they tried to use was only 20 feet long and was to short to reach the plug.   I called a drain guy, actually he was a drain girl. She and her crew worked for only 15 minutes, used a 26 1/2 foot long snake and charged  $69.00. 

So the moral of this story is that I had to do my dishes in the bathroom tub, because men still try to say their "snake" is this long _________________________  when in reality it is only this long ___________.
(Just joking Honey) And that is why I had to do dishes in the bathtub. 

So until tomorrow, read a book, make love and eat chocolate.

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