Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Do I Like My Yard?!?!?!?!

My yard is my escape.  I can sit on my covered deck and watch the world go by, read a book or just lay back and relax.  I like my yard. Most people going by don't even know that it is there hidden, behind that huge, tall, brown wooden fence.  I love the fact that only the front half of the yard, along the sidewalk and road, is concealed by my fence.  The rest of the yard is woven wire and my neighbors driveway runs along side of it. 

Hidden on my porch behind the fence I become a observer of life, a voyeur if you think about it. No, not like a dirty old man ( and no I am not a dirty old women).  I like to observe life, watch it unfold naturally around me. 

There are many things to observe from my porch.  They are building a hugh building across the street, and it has been really neat to see it go from a school being torn down, earth moved and pushed around, to the steel going up and taking the shape of the building it is now.  It has been fun watching all of the coming and goings of the different crews that have been working across the street.  Yes, there have been lots and I do mean lots of guys working over there.  So in that respect, the eye candy has been great most of the time.....though sometimes there were wider cracks over there than there are at the grand canyon. (Think of plumbers pants and you will get my drift.)

One of the best things about my yard, is watching my dogs playing, wrestling, and chasing each other.  The yard is big enough for all of them to wear themselves out.  There also are the sneak attacks that my dogs love to pull on unsuspecting passerbys.  The dogs can see out the fence cracks and will wait until a jogger, walker or someone with a dog walks by and gets really close to them.  Then they start attack barking, you would think that a pack of rabid dogs was coming over the fence after you.  It is hilarious,  people jump, scream or take off running.  I know my dogs are rolling on the ground laughing and high fiving each other, each and every time they do this.    I know I should feel bad and make them stop, but it is just to darn funny!!!!  Yes, I  do the token "You guys need to stop that", but I'm usually laughing to hard to be serious.

Yes, my yard is great.  It doesn't matter the season, time or day, I enjoy being outside.  Big shady trees, green grass and lots of entertainment.  What more could I ask for......well, maybe a box of chocolate now and then.  Until tomorrow, read a book, make love and eat lots of chocolate.

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