This is the first of many times that I will try to relate my ideas, views and general whatevers to anyone who cares to read it.
Wow, what a summer I've had. I kid you not it probably has been one of the worst summers I have ever had and boy have I had a lot of summers.
I'm not an old women. Although to someone 20 years old or less I am probably on my last leg and going downhill fast. But I firmly believe that you are only as old as the amount of pills you take daily. Wow, I never thought that idea out......I must be going on 116 by now!!!!
It never fails. Everytime I go to see my Doctor, she is always changing a pill dose, taking more blood or finding something else wrong with me. Maybe it's because she is only in her 30's that she doesn't see the vital, sexy, energetic person that lives under the grey hair, sagging boobs (yes,they are really going south), wrinkley skin and walks with a sexy flowered cane.
Who knew that when you get older your mind will play tricks on you and delude you into believing that you still can dance the monkey, drink all night and get up and go to work the next morning, fresh as a daisy. Well, that never was me, I still can't dance the monkey, I am still a lightweight drunk, and boy do I get a hangover from just 2 doesn't it. But life goes on and I will too.
Now, back to this summer. The month of June started out great. My husband and I started a list of all of the things we wanted to do this summer. We checked the local travel blogs and listed the events that we wanted to go to. All was going great, then wham.... a 15 year old learners permit driver decided he wanted to cross out into traffic and drive in the same spot my husband was driving in. He hit us (my side of course) spinning us around like a top and causing the car to slam into the curb almost going over. To make a long story short, he got a ticket, the car got totaled and I got a trip in an ambulance. I will note here that I did have some great looking firemen helping to rescue me...hey, I'm married but I can still look. After many x-ray's, a cat scan and lots of poking and proding...the diagnosis.... severe contusions, bruising, spraining and a lot of pain. So the rest of summer, I have spent going to the Doctor, going to physical therapy, and taking pain pills.... whoop de do, this was not how I wanted to spend the summer. But I am doing better and have been doing a lot of reading while I have healed.
In my next Blog I will talk about some of the great authors and books that I have read this summer. Talk to you next time.
wow ur good at this blogging stuff.