Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hump Day is NOT what you think!

Today is the 1st day of the rest of your life. What a load of crap. Today is just a day and what you do with it may determine what happens in the rest of your life. It's like a bowl of ice cream. You eat it and it tastes great, and it's gone in a flash. But if you slowly savor each lick, drip and spoonful, it's still will be gone but the memory will linger longer. Also if left out on the counter for a few days, weeks or melts, hardens, gets fuzzy, smelly; starts to grow legs, talks about politics and finally drives you out of your house to seek food asylum at your local grocers.

As you can tell it has been a long day for me. Pain, pain and more pain. I have Fibromalygia. Whew, what a long name for "We don't know what to call this disease BUT if we give it a fancy name people might give us money for research." I make jokes about my disease, but really it isn't a laughing matter. For the thousands of us who every day fight the aches, pains, and crippling tiredness, we just need to laugh at ourselves or we will become so down that all we want to do is crawl into bed, curl into a ball and cry. Not a pretty picture. But this is what it comes down to every day. Medications will help and do take the edge off, but you never are really totally free of some kind of pain, and the pain is NEVER in the same spot. One day it's in a shoulder, next your ankle, now your lower back and the next day your left pinkie finger. It's a guessing game. Along with this disease you might have arthritis, thyroid and myriad of other things wrong with you. I for one have fibromyalgia, osteo arthritis, thyroid problems and a warped sense of humor. I WILL survive this disease. I have bad days and good days, and sometimes days where I'm not sure what the Hell is going on in my body. But such is the life of someone with fibromyalgia.

We all are born, we grow up, we pay taxes, we live, we laugh, we love, we grow old and then we die.

Did I also mention that I have started Menopause!!!!! But that is a whole different Blog. Eat some chocolate, make love and read a good book. Till tomorrow ---Ta,Ta!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha your blogs like this crack me up.... why did you not write books i think you should... i would definately read them.
