Thursday, September 16, 2010

Facebook DOES NOT Rule My Life!

Well, maybe I am a little addicted to the site.  I'm a snoop.  I like to see what everyone is doing, especially  family and friends that are far away.   Yeah I know I could call them or write a letter.  But in today's world why bother when you can have instant gratification when you can go online and email someone.  I want to know what is happening now.  Not two weeks from now when it's old news.  I love to get the latest updates.  I want to know how sick your dog was last night, and how he puked all over your expensive carpet that you've been saving for two years to get.  And how about the blurbs that tell us who partied all last night, is hung-over and  that they are now pucking all over their expensive carpet.

It's not just the news that holds me spell bound to the site.  It's the games.  I am a farmer, which is funny, because when I was growing up I hated to get behind any kind of tractor and plow a field.  But this is different, my hands stay clean.  If it's hot, I just adjust my computer chair, turn up the house air conditioning and plow acres, and acres of cabbage.  I don't even have to feed livestock,  I just click on them and instant money.  Why can't scientists figure out a way for this to happen in the real world.  I bet there wouldn't be a shortage of  farmers then. 

Facebook also lets me live out my fantasy of being a young, vivacious, voluptuous college student.  (yes, I know that I am 54, overweight and have grey hair.....I said that this is a Fantasy!!!!)  I don't have to pay a huge tuition bill, housing costs or even attend classes!  But what I get to do, is go to parties and spend money on lots of clothes, cars, purses and shoes.  I even have a very sexy boyfriend.   I love my real life just as it is, but wasn't it Sigmund Freud who said that a vivid fantasy life was important for a healthy mind, Id and Ego. Or maybe it was Dr. Oz.  I don't know, but I know someone said it, so it must be true, and I'm only doing what is best to keep my mind healthy.   And no I don't want to buy that piece of swamp land you have for sale in Florida!!!

Some people who blurb on Facebook amaze me.  Why are you telling everyone what you had for dinner last night.  Like we really care.   I want the dirt....Who are you dating, what sister is mad at what cousin and one of the most important things, who is reading my Blog!!!  Yes, I need  and want to know what is going on in everyones lives.  As I stated before, I am a snoop, have always been a snoop and will die a snoop.  So get used to it.  With all the information that is available with just a click of a button, nothing, that's right nothing about any of us is sacred anymore. 

Facebook is fun.  It's a way of  keeping in touch with the world that's far away or the friend that maybe right down the block.  Don't take it or yourself to seriously, have fun farming, exploring or gaming.  But remember that there is a whole wide world waiting for you right out your front door. So have fun, make love and eat lots of chocolate and turn off your computer.


  1. hey i did turn off my computer. haha

  2. Yeah, right!!! She farms, divas, visits her island, and plays Jeopardy & wheel of Fortune - - - DAILY!! Yep - - She's addicted!!!!
