Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Cyber Monday

Today has the dubious title all around the world as Cyber Monday.  This is the day most of us are supposed to be chained to our computer, spending thousands of dollars on Internet orders of wonderful and stupendous Christmas gifts, that supposedly are being offered at great deals not offered anywhere else.  OK, this is great, except that trying to get onto any Internet site this am is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

I must not be the only one trying to get online today.  But unlike others I am not shopping, I am just passing time waiting for a better weather report to pass on to my hubby at work, so they can decide wither they are going to open or close.   With 60 mile an hour gusts, I am in favor of closing, but  that's just me, I am a wienie when it comes to bad weather.

Getting back to Christmas shopping, and I mean Christmas, not Xmas.  People, put the Christ back into Christmas and you might just start enjoying the season.  I saw on the news this morning that most people are going to spend between 600-800 dollars on Christmas presents this year.   Are they for REAL!!!  Who has that kind of money????  Not anyone I know.  I guess I am cheap, I am making my Christmas presents this year.  They don't have the flash and fancy bling that a store bought gift might have, but mine are made with love and care and I guess that is what makes them special to me.  I know that whoever receives one of my homemade gifts will appreciate them even more knowing that I was thinking of them when I made them.  I have a friend who is painting pictures for each of her children. there is a family heirloom in the making, not only will her children get to enjoy this gift, but it can be passed on through this generation and on to the coming generations where it will also be a cherished gift. 

That is what people used to do for Christmas.  They made special gifts for their loved ones and friends.  Nowadays, people say they don't have time to make something.  I say that they don't take the time to do it.  A gift doesn't need to be something elaborate, it can be something as simple as a batch of cookies (even if they are store bought) wrapped up in a pretty reusable basket or a gift of time spent over coffee and doughnuts at the local doughnut shop (you buying of course!)  See simple things, heartfelt things....This is what Christmas is all about.  So I am not shopping on Cyber Monday and I am not really going to be shopping for much this year.  Yes there is something I want that can't be made at home....but I think I'll have my hubby wait until after Christmas for the sales to get it for me.....I can wait. 

Christmas is about spending time with family and friends,  not waiting to see what you got under the tree.  I am not saying that I don't love to get a present, I do.   But I would rather sit down and talk with my mom, my good girlfriend (she knows who she is) bake with my daughters and spend quality time with my hubby then receive a gift.  Yes a gift may last until your next rummage sale.....but people are only here on earth for a short while and memories last forever. 

So until later read a book, make love and eat chocolate and call your mom, a friend, your hubby and arrange time to get together and spread some that real Christmas spirit.

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