I am thinking of writing a book. But for the life of me I can't think of what kind to write.
I could write a neck-bitter. These kind of books seem to be in style right now, but when have you ever known me to be a slave to what everyone else is doing. I love Scottish romances set back in the 1500's, but that would entail a LOT of research, and right now I am feeling kind of lazy. OH, OH, I could write a tell all book about my life....but besides putting the reader to sleep, it would probably read like....Kandis was born, she lived, paid taxes and then she passed. Yep, there is a million seller for ya! If I did write a book I probably should stick with something I know about. Don't smirk.....I do know about a few things.
One of the many things I am a kinda of expert on is family home daycare. I could write a tell all book about that. How it can be very rewarding field or how to start a family home daycare. I could also write about the many funny things that can happen in a daycare, how kids love to spit out their food, write on walls with markers, kick you when they are angry or how parents go to the bar first then remember they owe you for 2 weeks of daycare.
It might be an interesting book. But then again I don't think they can still burn people at the stake, which could happen if I really told the world what daycare is like..Not really I'm joking, in a semi-serious way. I loved doing Family Home Daycare and I was really good at it. I think there are good and bad providers just like there were good and bad daycare parents. I was really lucky, I seemed to get mostly good parents but every now and then a bad one snuck in. I think I could write a book about how to do a daycare, forms, advice, information and some funny quips thrown in for good measure.
Writing a book could be fun, but it also would be a lot of hard work. So I'm thinking about it.....possibly for a good long time......you never know when the world will need another good neck-biter book. I think I had better do some more research and hit the library for a few more of those romance and neck-biter books. You never can do too much research.
Until later, read a book, make love and eat chocolate.
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