Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blogging isn't my full time job - Life is.

I have been reading a lot of blogs lately.  Some good, some really bad.  But what I am finding out that some people out there on the Internet think that they have something work changing to write about.  Or at least world changing to them.

I am going to try, however hard it seems to keep a journal of life on this blog.  It may have sporadic entries, or in a burst of  enthusiasm have quite a few in a very short time.  Such is life.

Until later...Love well, live well and eat a lot of chocolate....and also keep reading.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Long Time No Blog

Yeah I know it has been a long time since I have written in this Blog...but seriously, I kinda forgot about it, (you know how busy life gets) until a good friend reminded me how she liked to read my posts.  Well I can't promise I will write every day but I will try for a few times each week.

We all had the flu bug that went around this past month.  As in all, I mean my husband, myself, my daughter, son-in-law, my mother, nieces, great-niece's (no nephews or great-nephews yet), best friends, not so best friends and most all of our acquaintances. You may see a trend here.  It seems that we are are group of loving sharers.  Not just in time, fellowship and material things, but we love to pass germs around. It wouldn't be bad if we would space out the sharing, one person getting sick, then the bug waits a couple of weeks than another person got sick.  But no, we all decided to share this particular germ within the space of a few weeks.  It was miserable. 

We all would cough, hack and croak during phone conversations, sharing whatever home spun, health healing remedies we could.  We detailed each and every doctor visit with each other in the hope that we, our selves, would be spared that fatal visit to the local MD.  But to our sorrow almost all of  us took the dreaded trip to our local clinic where we sat, chilled and drippy nosed, safely enclosed in our facial mask (which were to protect the other patients, who already were as sick as we made no sense at all!!!) waiting on that magical medical being who in his or her infinite wisdom spoke the scared words, "Yep it looks like you got the bug that is going around"  "WELL DUH!!" I knew that...I'm here so you can give me a magic pill to make it better!!!

Usually docs don't give out antibiotics for viruses, but for some reason this bug was causing, pneumonia, bronchitis, strep throat, and sinus and ear infections, so massive doses of antibiotics were dispensed.  In my case, 3 doses were needed to fight my bronchitis, sinus and ear infection.  Holey Moley,  I don't want to see another antibiotic for many more moons...if not forever. 

I am hopeful that nice weather will open windows, get people outside and those nasty germs will be blown away.  In truth they really should be blown away from all of the fierce winds we have been having lately, but that is another story, for another future blog.
As always, read a book, make love and eats lots of chocolate....(if you can keep it down during the bug)